Kingsthorpe Grove Allotment Association  
Site roadways
Most of you will have now noticed that the secondary gate into the site has been locked. This has been done to protect the roadways through the winter months from excessive wear.
Open Day 2012

The date for the 2012 open day has been set for Sunday 8th of July. 
Last years open day was a great success, raising over £1000. We have set ourselves a target of raising £2000 this year but to do so we will need to come up with some fresh and innovative ideas to draw people in.

We will be running some of the same stalls as last year but if you have any ideas that you think would be a money spinner please contact one of the committee or alternatively email to:

Nearer to the open day we will be asking members if they can donate any spare produce for us to sell on the day so if you can grow a little extra of everything it would help us out.

We will be running competitions for best fruit and veg in various categories again. These will be advertised over the coming months on the notice board and in the news letters. We would urge as many members to get involved to make the event as successful as last year.
Allotment Rents 

It was agreed by allotment holders at the AGM in November that rents should be increased to £20 for a full plot and to £10 for a half plot.
It is hoped that by increasing the rents we should be able to easily cover the cost of the water rates and also have money to put towards replacing the fencing surrounding the site.
Rents are due to be paid in December each year (Before January 1st). So far most allotment holders have paid with a few exceptions who will be contacted and advised to pay as soon as possible otherwise the commitee will assume that the allotment is vacant and it will go to the waiting list to be re-let so if you haven't yet paid for yours please do so at the shop (opening times on the Shop home page)
 Keeping Chickens on your Allotment

There has been a request that we consider allowing the keeping of chickens on our site.
While the county council does not sanction the keeping of livestock on its sites, as a self managed site we do have this right as granted by the allotment act.
If we are to agree with this request we would look to put in place the following conditions.
An officer would be appointed to inspect all plots with chickens on them and to which all applications to keep chickens would have to be made and their decision would be final.
All chickens would have to be kept in a secure fox proof cage.
Chicken runs would have to be kept clean and not attract vermin such as rats and mice.
Any plot holder wishing to keep chickens will need to demonstrate that they have the time to devote to their livestock and have the knowledge required to keep them healthy. What may seem like a good idea in the summer may soon become a burden in the winter.
The plot holder will allow the designated officer to inspect their chickens and chicken runs at any reasonable time and to report immediately any health issues that may appear within their birds.
No plot holder will be allowed to keep more than six birds irrespective of how many plots they hold.

Hire of Equipment

It has been suggested that we hire out the equipment the association has to allotment holders.
We shall be limiting the equipment we hire out to lawnmowers and thye rotavator.
If you wish to make use of this equipment please leave your details including phone number at the shop and we will arrange a date that is convenient.
In order to cover the costs a fee of £10 per day will be charged which will include a full tank of fuel.
Full instructions on the use of the equipment will be given prior to hire. Any damaged caused by misuse will be the responsibility of the hirer.

We will be announcing a date in March when we will be having a shredding day.
Plot holders who have bulky woody material will have the opportunity to use the associations petrol shredder to dispose of it.
We will also be having a skip delivered at the same time to get rid of any rubbish that has accumulated.
 These pictures were taken at our last Open Day.
If you would like to see your pics here just send them to the email address below:
 Allotment Letting

I would like to introduce myself . My name is Ian Dickerson. I am the Kingsthorpe Grove Allotment Association  Letting Officer. I am responsible for maintaining the waiting list and allocating the available allotments. At present I have some available plots  and I am currently in the process of  contacting perspective plotholders on the waiting list. If you know of anyone wishing to go on the waiting list please get in touch.
Busy Bees

You may have seen that we have a beehive at the bottom of the site and soon we hope to increase the numbers of hives. Two members of the committee are about to go on a bee keeping course and will let us know how it went very soon so keep an eye out for their news.

Update on fencing
Committee Member John Lucket is currently investigating costings and  types of fencing to be used around the perimeter of the site to make it more secure. John has sourced a sample of fencing which is hoped will be approved by the council and planning permission is being sought.
Chairman Paul Shaw is in contact with the council with regard to planning. The council is keen to keep the fencing low on the Kingsthorpe Grove side of the site which is where intruders tend to gain access. Members of the committee are going to ask local residents for their views which we hope will help our application to raise to height of the fence. Money raised from open days, plant sales and other fund raising events will go to this good cause. We will keep you updated.
New fruit trees

Several fruit trees have been purchased and planted in what we hope will become a pretty orchard at the bottom of the allotment site next to the bees. Several trees were planted last year which seem to be doing well although one was removed as it hadn't survived. We now have a selection of apple trees, including Bramley, pears and peach trees.
Planting the trees - February 19th 2012
We Need You
Saturday March 17th 3pm - Clearing the car park ready for planting