Kingsthorpe Grove Allotment Association  
Rules and Regulations
Tenancy Agreement

1. The association shall let to the tenant the plot on Kingsthorpe Grove Allotment site, an area of one plot or half plot.
2. The tenancy shall be for one year.
3. The rent payable by the tenant shall be directed by the Committee.

4. The tenant undertakes with the association the following;
a) To pay the association the rent when due,
b) To light bonfires in accordance with the council’s regulations,
c) To pay any water costs that the association has to pass on,
d) To cultivate the allotment themselves for the provision of crops for the consumption by the tenant or the tenants family,
e) To keep the allotment free from weeds and maintain it in a proper state of cultivation, and to leave it so on termination,
f) Not to dig up or remove the boundary pegs on the allotment,
g) Not to erect any fences without permission of the Committee, and to use no barbed wire,
h) To be careful with the water supply, and use it in connection with the cultivation of the tenants allotments and without the use of a hosepipe,
i) Not to trespass on other allotments and to keep dogs on a leash, to cause no nuisance to others,
j) At the termination of the agreement to remove any shed or other structure if requested to do so by the Committee,
k) Not to deposit any refuge etc on site. Vegetable waste must be disposed of on the tenants plot or removed off site,
l) To report the discovery of all remains or archaeological or other scientific interest found on the allotment garden to the chairperson and hand over to the same chairperson upon request,
m) To permit the Committee or its representatives to enter the allotment in the course of association activities,
n) Not to sub- let the allotment or any part of it,
o) To maintain the roadways adjoining the tenants plot,
p) To enter and leave the site via the gates {making sure that the gates are locked each time},
q) To abide by the rules of the association and the local rules of the association.

5.It is agreed that the Committee may take possession of the plot and all it’s contents without payment of compensation if;
The rent is in arrears for 31 days whether demanded by the Committee or not,
The tenant uses the allotment garden for any illegal purpose,
There is any breach by the tenant of any undertakings on this agreement.
It is agreed that the Committee cannot be held responsible for the actions of the owners of the site, although it undertakes to represent the best interests of the members to negotiate for improvement on behalf of its members.